4turf® can withstand really tough use. 4turf® is a range of perennial ryegrass varieties, developed to be strong, deep-rooting, and tolerant of stress.

For our R&D teams, perennial ryegrass (a widely used lawn species) was an excellent starting point. The species establishes fast and is known for its wear-tolerance. 4turf® technology makes a great turf grass even better.

By describing 4turf® as stress-tolerant, we mean that it is better able to withstand a range of unfavourable conditions, such as biotic and abiotic factors.

Our 4Turf® Products

  • Fast establishment
  • Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
  • Excellent winterhardiness

  • Ideal mixture partner
  • Improved stress tolerance
  • All-round disease resistance

Strong, stress-tolerant turf with less input

4turf® is a range of turf tetraploid perennial ryegrass varieties, developed to be quick-establishing, strong, deep-rooting and tolerant to stress. 4turf® withstands really tough use. It offers unique stress tolerance together with fast and strong establishment even at low temperatures.

4turf® varieties are more robust than diploid perennial ryegrass varieties. They have better stress-tolerance and recover faster after periods of extreme temperatures and disease attack. The extra set of chromosomes in a turf tetraploid perennial ryegrass variety gives you a healthy, high-energy plant that needs minimal input to keep your turf green and inviting. 4turf® is a more sustainable solution.

4turf® has an outstanding tolerance to Microdochium patch.

Extremely drought-tolerant turf that stays green 

4turf® needs less water during a drought. The improved root architecture is more efficient in exploiting the natural water reserves that keeps it green for longer. When the rain returns, 4turf® varieties recover faster.  In drought trials conducted in France’s Loire Valley and at the RadiMax root screening facility, 4turf® varieties were superior drought-tolerant compared to diploids.

4turf® plants have deep roots